01 - Start by choosing a color pallet

Planing, planing Planing.

Using a colour pallet is the first step to make a photo pop. To make the process easier use Pinterest to search for inspiration and keep it on your phone.

You can also get inspiration using Adobe color Pallet is also a good source. You can look for trend color pallets or even create your own.

02 - Use Pinterest to choose clothing

It might seem obvious, but when I say to look

on Pinterest, what I mean is: get as close as possible from the inspiration you found. Specially if the photo was from a famous person, keep in mind that those people had professional help and their outfit were very carefully chosen.

Dressing something as close as possible will give you a huge advantage! Do not get comfortable just mixing and matching things in your wardrobe. Use google image  to search and find the perfect pieces. Check the return police and if you don’t like it, remember you can always return. Trust me, it will make a huge difference and it worth the time.

03 - Makeup and Hair

I can’t stress how much difference a good makeup and hair in a photo does. Also, what a boost in our confidence to have our makeup and hair professionally done give us!

If you absolutely have to save money use your hair in a simple way and train your makeup in advance. Take photos of your face with flash and see how you feel. When choosing the colours of your makeup, don’t forget to keep your colour pallet in mind!

04 - Print your posing references

However, at the time of the photos, you and the photographer (or friend, or your mirror), will find poses that can work even better for you. Don’t miss the opportunity to do some variations, that’s when the magic happens.

However, at the time of the photos, you and the photographer (or friend, or your mirror), will find poses that can work even better for you. Don’t miss the opportunity to do some variations, that’s when the magic happens.

If you want even better results, practice in front of the mirror one day before the official photos, this way your brain have some time to process the information.

05 - Fix everything you can

What I mean with fix is, if your shirt need to be ironed, iron it, do not think everything can be fixed in photoshop.

Although photoshop and a few apps make miracles,  it’s easy to do with one photo, however not with 10, 100. The more perfect the original image is more options you will have to choose from.

Here are a few things to watch for:

Remove hair ties from your wrist

Watch for flyaways hair all the time

If you use glasses angle them to the floor a bit so they do not reflect the lights. 

Be careful not to get makeup on your clothing.